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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Film Review: STRIPTEASE (1996, Andrew Bergman)

Stars: 4 of 5.Running Time: 117 minutes.Tag-line: "Some People Get Into Trouble No Matter What They WEAR."Notable Cast or Crew: Demi Moore, Ving Rhames, Robert Patrick, Armand Assante, Burt Reynolds, Rumer Willis, Pandora Peaks. Cinematography by Stephen Goldblatt (THE HUNGER, THE COTTON CLUB, LETHAL WEAPON). Music by Howard Shore (AFTER HOURS, VIDEODROME, THE LORD OF THE RINGS).Best one-liner: "I don't need no stripper to telling me how to live!"Best eerily Hawksian exchange: "So we're it? A cop and a bouncer?" –"Plus two strippers and a...

Television Review: THE HITCHHIKER- 'Striptease' (1985, Jerry Ciccoritti)

Stars: 4 of 5.Running Time: 24 minutes.Notable Cast or Crew: John Glover (52 PICK-UP, GREMLINS 2, IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS), Donna Goodhand (X-MEN), Jill Hennessy (CROSSING JORDAN, ROBOCOP 3), Victor Ertmanis (BRAINSCAN, STORM OF THE CENTURY), Frank Adamson (SHORT CIRCUIT 2, DOLORES CLAIBORNE), Lawrence Bayne (BLACK ROBE, GETTING GOTTI).In my continuing series of HITCHHIKER reviews of episodes featuring some of my favorite people- I submit to you: STRIPTEASE, starring the inimitable John Glover.A lot of these HITCHHIKER episodes abandon the 'horror'...

Today is 'Striptease Thursday'

What does that mean? Come back later and find o...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

LAURIE DEACON AND THE NIGHT CALLER nominated for two Planet Connections Awards

I'm pleased to announce that my newest play, LAURIE DEACON AND THE NIGHT CALLER (a reading of which went up as part of the Planet Connections Festivity in June) has been nominated by PCF for 'Outstanding Overall Production of a Reading' as well as 'Outstanding Actress in a Reading' (Jillaine Gill in the role of 'Jane Emerson'). The Awards Ceremony takes place August 1, 2010 at the Players Theat...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Carpenter Week Wrap-up

Well- it's been fun delving into the annals of Carpenter eclectica. There will be several more Carpenter weeks in the future, whereupon I'll get to key achievements in his filmography from ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 to STARMAN to DARK STAR to VAMPIRES; movies that he wrote but didn't direct, like EL DIABLO, EYES OF LAURA MARS, and SILENT PREDATORS; and random bizarro stuff like the album WAITING OUT THE 80's, films by Carpenter cronies, and perhaps some novelizations of his canon films. Below are pasted links to every Carpenter article on this site...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Film Review: HALLOWEEN III- SEASON OF THE WITCH (1982, Tommy Lee Wallace)

Stars: 4 of 5.Running Time: 98 minutes.Tag-line: "..and now the earth will run with blood again!"Notable Cast or Crew: Tom Atkins (THE FOG, NIGHT OF THE CREEPS, LETHAL WEAPON), Dan O'Herlihy (TWIN PEAKS SEASON 2, ROBOCOP), Stacey Nelkin (THE JERK TOO, BULLETS OVER BROADWAY), Michael Currie (THE DEAD POOL, DEAD & BURIED), Ralph Strait (THE BEASTMASTER), Joshua John Miller (TEEN WITCH, RIVER'S EDGE), Essex Smith (CUTTER'S WAY, STIR CRAZY), and a vocal cameo by Jamie Lee Curtis. Music by John Carpenter and Alan Howarth. Produced by John Carpenter,...