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Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Only now does it occur to me... PARK ROW

Only now does it occur to me...  that PARK ROW is one of the finest American films of the 1950s.Funded independently by cigar-puffing Hollywood maverick Sam Fuller, PARK ROW is a wild, dark, ambitious, intricate meditation on the freedom of the press and a nostalgic reverie for the bygone, moxie-filled newspapering glory days of Park Row.  Its scope is vast, even if its budget wasn't– some have even likened it to an indie-CITIZEN KANE.I don't wish to say too much, but this movie is brutal.  Children are maimed, bombs are tossed,...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Film Review: CYBORG (1989, Albert Pyun)

Stars: 4 of 5.Running Time: 86 minutes.Notable Cast or Crew: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Deborah Richter (HILL STREET BLUES, SQUARE DANCE), Vincent Klyn (POINT BREAK, DOUBLE DRAGON), Alex Daniels (David Hasselhoff's stunt double), Dayle Haddon (NORTH DALLAS FORTY, BULLETS OVER BROADWAY). Written by Kitty Chalmers (DECEIT, JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH '89). Produced by Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus.Tagline: "He's the First Hero of the 21st Century...And He's Our Only Hope." Best one-liner: "First there was the collapse of civilization:...

Only now does it occur to me... GREASE

Only now does it occur to me...  international superstar Lorenzo Lamas is in GREASE.I suppose that I'm 34 years late in noticing this.  I'd seen the film a few times in childhood, as my sister had the VHS.  I guess you're a kid, you're at a certain age, and you don't really care about the subtler joys in life, subtle joys like the acting career of Lorenzo Lamas.  Well now, years later, and all the richer from multiple viewings of films like BODY ROCK and SNAKE EATER, I can go back, watch GREASE, and appreciate every dimension...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Only now does it occur to me... FAMILY BUSINESS

Boyhood is often populated by absurdist hypotheticals, often involving fantastical one-on-one duels.  For whatever reason, idle chatter of this variety makes waiting in line in the cafeteria or loitering out front before the bell rings in the morning that much more tolerable.  Who would win in a fight between Robocop and Boba Fett?  The Nazi Mechanic from RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK or the Monstrous Thugee from INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM?  Superman or Godzilla?  One might assume that these hypotheticals would end...