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Friday, November 30, 2012

The Slater Factor in the News Cycle

Longtime readers of this site will know that I am an enthusiast of the phenomenon known as The Slater Factor.  Imagine my surprise when I learned that he's been making headlines today due to the fact that his vote was rejected in Florida do to signature issues and his name was misconstrued as "Christina Slater."Note that he toned down the eyebrows a little for his pose with the President.Also, Christian Slater is going to be in a Lars von Trier fil...

Film Review: INVASION U.S.A. (1985, Joseph Zito)

Stars: 2.8 of 5.Running Time: 107 minutes.Notable Cast or Crew: Directed by Joseph Zito (MISSING IN ACTION, THE PROWLER).  Written by James Bruner (THE DELTA FORCE, MISSING IN ACTION), Chuck Norris, and Aaron Norris (HELLBOUND, DELTA FORCE 2).  Produced by Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus.  Music by Jay Chattaway (VIGILANTE, MANIAC, SILVER BULLET).  Cinematography by João Fernandez (DEEP THROAT, DEADLY WEAPONS, CHILDREN OF THE CORN, FRIDAY THE 13TH PART IV, WALKER TEXAS RANGER).  Starring Chuck Norris, Richard Lynch (SCARECROW,...

Monday, November 26, 2012

Only now does it occur to me... RIDE WITH THE DEVIL

Only now does it occur to me...  that RIDE WITH THE DEVIL is rife with such moments of unintentional hilarity.  My favorite moment might be this:  after gunning some Union men, the gang of Southern militia guerrilla warrior Bushwhackers- including such backwoods hayseed types such as Skeet Ulrich and Jonathan Rhys Meyers– whip off their hats and twirl their finely conditioned 1990s 1860s manes in cold-blooded ecstasy,looking at best like the fleecy-locked members of Testament: and at worst like the finely coiffed members...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Film Review: CAT'S EYE (1985, Lewis Teague)

Stars: 4 of 5.Running Time: 94 minutes.Notable Cast or Crew:  James Woods (VIDEODROME, VAMPIRES), Candy Clark (AMERICAN GRAFFITI, THE BLOB), Drew Barrymore (E.T., GUNCRAZY), Kenneth McMillan (DUNE, RUNAWAY TRAIN), Alan King (CASINO, THE ALAN KING SHOW), Robert Hays (AIRPLANE!, FIFTY/FIFTY), James Rebhorn (THE GAME, INDEPENDENCE DAY), Charles S. Dutton (SURVIVING THE GAME, ALIEN 3), James Naughton (THE PAPER CHASE, THE FIRST WIVES CLUB).  Produced by Dino De Laurentiis.  Music by Alan Silvestri (BACK TO THE FUTURE, PREDATOR).  Cinematography...