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Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Stars:  3 of 5.Length:  228 pages.Publisher:  Jove Publications, NY.Tag-line:  "The night no one comes home.  The new screen shocker by Jack Martin based on a screenplay by Tommy Lee Wallace– a John Carpenter /Debra Hill production."Back cover blurb:   "Do you know where your kids are tonight?  The streets are quiet.  Dead quiet as the shadows lengthen and night falls.  It's Halloween.  Blood-chilling screams pierce the air.  Grinning skulls and grotesque shapes lurk in the gathering darkness. ...

Monday, October 28, 2013

Television Review: SILENT PREDATORS (1999, Noel Nosseck)

Stars:  2.5 of 5.Running Time:  91 minutes.Notable Cast or Crew:   Directed by Noel Nosseck (TORNADO!, FRENCH SILK).  Written by five people (count 'em!):  John Carpenter, Matt Dorff (CAMPUS MAN), William S. Gilmore (his sole writing credit; he produced THE PLAYER and A FEW GOOD MEN, among others),  Patricia Arrigoni, (no other credits) and Fred Brown (no other credits).  Starring Harry Hamlin (L.A. LAW, CLASH OF THE TITANS), Patty McCormack (the evil little girl from THE BAD SEED!), Shannon Sturges (S.W.A.T.,...

Monday, October 21, 2013

Junta Juleil's Culture Shock: 5 Year Anniversary!

Only now does it occur to me...  that today is actually the five year anniversary of this blog!  JCVD was similarly taken by surprise.I wish I had a better review for you today than HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION, but whaddya gonna do.  Special thanks to my readers and fellow film bloggers, without whom this anniversary would not have been possible!...

Film Review: HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION (2002, Rick Rosenthal)

Stars: 1 of 5.Running Time: 94 minutes.Notable Cast and Crew: Jamie Lee Curtis (HALLOWEEN, PERFECT, PROM NIGHT, TERROR TRAIN), Busta Rhymes (SHAFT '00, NARC), Tyra Banks (THE FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR, COYOTE UGLY), Ryan Merriman (FINAL DESTINATION 3, THE RING TWO), Sean Patrick Thomas (THE FOUNTAIN, CRUEL INTENTIONS), Bianca Kajlich (10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU, BRING IT ON), and Brad Loree (X2, THE X-FILES). Archival footage of Donald Pleasence. Based on characters by John Carpenter and Debra Hill. Screenplay by Larry Brand (BACKFIRE, OVEREXPOSED)...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sean Gill Films on display at Purdue University Galleries

Two of my short films– "Makin' a Martini" and "Do You Want to Go to the Circus?  Do You Want to Go to the Circus" will be screening on loop as a part of a horror-art exhibition called "Big Fat Scary Deal" at the Purdue University Galleries.  Specifically- at the Robert L. Ringel Gallery in Stewart Center at Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana).The works will be on display from October 21 through December 8, 2013.  Hours and additional information are available he...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Book Review: THE FOG: THE NOVELIZATION (1980, Dennis Etchison)

Stars:  3.7 of 5.Length:  180 pages.Publisher:  Bantam Books, NY.Tag-line:  "The terror filled novel– based on a motion picture written by John Carpenter and Debra Hill."Back cover blurb:  "Before the light of dawn, you will know the vengeful fury of the dead.  Tonight the fog that rises off the California coast is different.  And deadly.  A writhing icy mist pulsing with terror.  It is too late to escape.  Even now the people of Antonio Bay are cut off, engulfed.  Along darkened streets, death...

Monday, October 14, 2013

THE EVERLASTING VINTAGE at the Fargo Fantastic Film Festival

My time-travel horror film, The Everlasting Vintage, will be screening this year as an official selection at the Fargo Fantastic Film Festival, in association with ValleyCon. It will screen on Saturday, October 18th– further details are available here, in the program guide.  The Everlasting Vintage stars Joe Stipek and Michael V. Porsche, features music and champagne bottle art by Jesse Carlson, and design by Rachel Klein and Daisy Tainton. The Everlasting Vintage (TRAILER) from Sean Gill on Vim...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Film Review: HALLOWEEN 666: THE CURSE OF MICHAEL MYERS (1995, Joe Chappelle)

Stars: 2 of 5.Running Time: 88 minutes.Notable Cast or Crew:  Donald Pleasence (THE GREAT ESCAPE, PHENOMENA), Kim Darby (DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK, BETTER OFF DEAD), Paul Rudd (CLUELESS, WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER), Mitch Ryan (DARK SHADOWS, LETHAL WEAPON).  Music by Alan Howarth (ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK, ARMY OF DARKNESS) and Paul Rabjohns (OPERATION CONDOR, CHILDREN OF THE CORN V) with the main theme by John Carpenter. Tag-line: "Terror never rests in peace!"Best one-liner:  "Enough of this Michael Myers bullshit!"HALLOWEEN 6...


Everyone's favorite local channel has been running a feature plugging my latest theatrical endeavor, THE DEAD DREAM MACHINE!  Time Warner Cable customers can watch the clip here.This is the last weekend you can see THE DEAD DREAM MACHINE: get your tickets here, watch the trailer I made here, and get more information he...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New Recurring Series: Poor Man's John Carpenter

It is my distinct (dis?)pleasure to announce a new, recurring series for this blog which will probably continue, on and off, through the Halloween season and beyond.  It's name?:  "Poor Man's John Carpenter."What, pray tell, does that mean?, you are probably asking.  Well, it's pretty damned broad.  It could mean the analysis of John Carpenter screenplays that were taken over by other directors and made for television (or worse), it could be book reviews of paperback novelizations of Carpy classics, it could mean ersatz HALLOWEEN...

Monday, October 7, 2013

Music Review: GOBLIN LIVE IN CONCERT (2013, U.S.)

As a part of their first-ever North American tour (after a long and on-again-off-again history dating back to 1972), I was lucky enough to see Goblin perform live last night at the Music Hall of Williamsburg in Brooklyn, NY.  They played crowd-pleasing selections from the album ROLLER and from their soundtracks to ZOMBI (DAWN OF THE DEAD), PROFONDO ROSSO (DEEP RED), NON HO SONNO (SLEEPLESS), TENEBRE, and PHENOMENA, among others, often accompanied by gory mondo projections, including clips from DAWN OF THE DEAD and the Goblin-Argento oeuvre.It...

Sunday, October 6, 2013

"Do You Want to Go to the Circus? Do You Want to Go to the Circus?" is an official selection at PollyGrind 2013

My absurdist horror short, Do You Want to Go to the Circus? Do You Want to Go to the Circus? has been named an official selection for PollyGrind 2013, the underground film festival of Las Vegas, where my film Fresh Piss won the "Best Transgressive Short" award last year.The plot synopsis is as follows: "You are cordially invited to make the acquaintance of a remarkable circus duck who, incidentally, happens to be in your apartment." It stars John Sellers and Perry Triplett, features music by Jesse Carlson and Norka, and was written, shot,...

Friday, October 4, 2013


Dead Dream Machine: Trailer from Sean Gill on Vimeo.There are still two more weekends to go– get your tickets here, watch the other trailer I made here, and get more information he...

Thursday, October 3, 2013


More reviews are in!New York Magazine names it a "Critics' Pick" and says: "In this very strange play, a mad scientist has built a machine that extracts dreams from a young woman’s brain. At the finale every night, a crew of alt-venue stars—drag queens, born-to-showbiz kids, burlesque artists— all join in on a goth performance of a Nick Cave tune."Downtown Traveler says:  "New York City has no shortage of Halloween attractions...but if you are looking for more high-brow entertainment– with a decidedly anti-Wall Street bent– head to Brooklyn...

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Film Review: PET SEMATARY TWO (1992, Mary Lambert)

Stars: 2.5 of 5.Running Time: 100  minutes.Notable Cast or Crew:   Anthony Edwards (MIRACLE MILE, ER, ZODIAC), Edward Furlong (TERMINATOR 2, AMERICAN HISTORY X), Clancy Brown (HIGHLANDER, EXTREME PREJUDICE), Jared Rushton (BIG, OVERBOARD), Darlanne Fluegel (TO LIVE AND DIE IN L.A., BULLETPROOF, RUNNING SCARED), Jason McGuire (LEAP OF FAITH, FORREST GUMP).  Written by Richard Outten (LITTLE NEMO: THE 80S MOVIE) and vaguely, but not really based on elements from PET SEMATARY, by Stephen King.Tag-line: "Raise some hell."Best one-liner:  "No...