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Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Only now does it occur to me... NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN

Only now does it occur to me...  that Sean Connery's James Bond once played an Atari/TRON/Missile Command-style video game (instead of baccarat, dear God!)    against Austrian arthouse star Klaus Maria "MEPHISTO" Brandauer as Kim Basinger became increasingly turned on by the hilariously awkward, bizarre, and dorky display of uncoordinated (but extremely stern-faced!) button-mashing.     Oh, James, indeed!  Truly this is a Bond for the 80s.  No word yet on his high score on Q*be...

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Only now does it occur to me... DEMOLITION MAN

Continuing with the theme of Sandra Bullock-themed sci-fi–I have weighed in on the glory that is DEMOLITION MAN before, but I must add this:Only now does it occur to me... that this particular title card so beautifully brought together the arthouse, the grindhouse, and the statehouse– and between Stallone's glistening pecs!  It's like when you have two separate circles of friends and suddenly, you see them...  hanging out without you.  It reminds me of this fantastic title card, which fused George A. Romero and Menahem Golan together...

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Only now does it occur to me... GRAVITY

Only now does it occur to me...  that the glory of 3-D has brought us a giant ape flinging boulders right at me and Jason Voorhees squeezing a man's head until the eyeball shoots out.  It's shown us Freddy Krueger, Michael Ironside, and even Charles Bronson in three-dimensions.  I've even seen blue cat people have strongly-implied weirdo hair sex.  But never did I ever expect to be...   SPLOOSHED IN THE FACE WITH SANDRA BULLOCK'S CGI SPACE-TEARS!!!  Let me make this brief and relatively spoiler-free:  while...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Only now does it occur to me... SPECIES II

Only now does it occur to me...  that SPECIES II is not as bad as its reputation would suggest; it's not even as bad as it should be.  Take, for instance, this incredibly heartwarming scene between James Cromwell (L.A. CONFIDENTIAL, THE GREEN MILE, BABE) and Justin Lazard (FRESHMAN DORM).Also of note:  It's directed by Peter Medak (THE CHANGELING, THE RULING CLASS), but you can't really tell.  And Michael Madsen makes a surprising return, but doesn't merely 'phone in' his performance... in fact, he doesn't even mail it in– more...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Junta Juleil's Updated, Browsable List of All Reviews– February 2014

#3 MEN AND A BABY (1987, Leonard Nimoy)THE 3 MUSKETEERS (1973, Richard Lester)7 DAYS IN MAY (1964, John Frankenheimer)12 ANGRY MEN (1957, Sidney Lumet)13 FRIGHTENED GIRLS! (1963, William Castle)13 GHOSTS (1960, William Castle)48 HRS. (1982, Walter Hill)52 PICK-UP (1986, John Frankenheimer)99 AND 44/100% DEAD (1974, John Frankenheimer)1990: BRONX WARRIORS (1982, Enzo G. Castellari)ATHE A-TEAM: "TAXICAB WARS" (1983, Gilbert M. Shilton)THE ABOMINABLE DR. PHIBES (1971, Robert Fuest)ABOUT LAST NIGHT... (1986, Edward Zwick)ACE IN THE HOLE (1951, Billy...