Jillaine Gill (left) and Meghan Holland (right), contemplate their impending doom in "Chainsaw Alley's a Helluva Place to be at 3 O'Clock in the Morning, or at Any Other Time."

I meet my demise at the hands of the diabolically cuckoo Jake Thomas (left) in his short play, "Absolutely Cuckoo."

The Preacher (Don DiPaolo) energizes the crowd in "A Sermon."

I regale the reluctant spectators with a dramatic reading from CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE #100: THE WORST DAY OF YOUR LIFE.

(From left) Robyn Nielsen, Danielle Marie Fusco, and Abbie Hawk confront the jazz-dancing slasher in Rachel Klein's "Killer Workout."

Peaches (Eden Foster) is worshiped by Robyn Nielsen and Jose Ramos as a dejected, pantsed Chris Cipriano looks on in my short play, "Peaches."

I'm all out of quarters; the machine bests the man. From "Hyperspace," my tortured performance piece on the frustrations of arcade games.
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