Tonight, at R Bar (218 Bowery between Prince and Spring in Manhattan), a friend, writer, and occasional collaborator– Kristen Lee Tabbutt– is presenting a piece of theater which hearkens back to an earlier era, one of flickering candlelight and the tellers of tales: MR. LONG SPINDLY FINGERS: STORIES OF MURDER & MADNESS.
It's described as "a wickedly perverse rock concert storytelling salon set in a mysterious mansion at the turn of the century. Journey with our storytellers into a web of devilry and death, murder and madness!" It features the talents of Eric Schmalenberger, Elizabeth Fonseca, Julia Hirsch, Michael Moss, Scooter Pie, and Max Kovins.
Doors are at 8:30, the show is at 9:00 p.m., and the cost is $10 at the door.
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