Only now does it occur to me... that the highlight of THELMA AND LOUISE is not when they drive off the cliff together, nor is when they blow up the tanker–
(although, now that I mention it, it miiight be when they blow up the tanker...)
but in fact it is the subtle pleasure of watching Harvey Keitel beat Brad Pitt about the head and neck...
...with his own cowboy hat.

As I say, it's a subtle joy, and one that's amplified by the fact that Keitel isn't really given that much to do in this movie otherwise. Though I suppose it's more than pleasant to see him exchange Geena-Davis-and-Susan-Sarandon-hunting strategies with the legendary Stephen "Ned Ryerson" Toblowsky.
As I said, it's the little things. Also– I must say that THELMA AND LOUISE makes a fine "homoerotic, adrenaline-fueled summer movies of 1991" double-feature with POINT BREAK.
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