Technically, this song just plays over the end credits, but the tie-in music video is something to behold. And, just to be clear– I genuinely love Alice and this song with all of my heart.
There's so much going on, I find it impossible to decide what precisely is the best part, or even which part is the most confusing. Is it Alice manually making the "Chee chee chee kah kah kah" noises with his mouth? Is it Alice's riding crop and his Jason "throne?"

Is it when he rhymes "alone" with "alone?" ["But the moon was full/ And you had your chance/ To be all alone/ but you're not alone"] Is it when he rhymes "can" with "can?" ["Oh, if you see him comin', run away if you CAN/ Just keep on runnin', run as fast as you CAN" – truly only Alice can get away with this shit!] Is it when Jason swings on a rope out of an image of Jason swinging on a rope?

Is it when Alice bursts out of the movie screen, just to smash a breakaway bottle against his forehead?

Is it the look of vague disappointment amongst the teens when the Jason movie they're watching on screen transforms into an Alice Cooper music video?

Is it the apathetic "I'd prefer it if you'd please stop" expression the teens adopt as their supposedly horrific but extraordinarily confusing theatrical experience continues?

Is it when Alice puts the kids in a cage, only to unlock it a moment later?

Is it when Alice is dragged back into the screen by Jason, who has already been revealed to be Alice? (Shades of multiple personalities á la MONSTER DOG and the album DADA?)

Is it the bizarre, non-sequitur of an ending that reveals Alice to be Jason's cultured dad, and "Jason" to be the name of the perplexed and depressed teen, right after we've seen that Alice himself is the man behind the mask as well as "Jason"'s father?

Who can say? But I suppose it doesn't matter. It's a Friday the 13th in sweaty July– just have a couple of cold beers and watch a Jason movie. That's what I'll be doing later. Maybe 3 in 3-D or 4- THE FINAL CHAPTER. I'll have to see what strikes my fancy. Eh, just remember: if you see him coming, run away if you can, just keep on running, run as fast as you can. He's a dangerous, dangerous man. And he's out tonight. And he's watching you. And he knows your house.
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