Only now does it occur to me... what an inspiration THINGS TO COME must have been on everyone from George Lucas to George A. Romero.
A heavy does of H.G. Wells future history that was designed as a sort of retort to the world of METROPOLIS, THINGS TO COME is an enjoyable, extremely well designed piece of classic science fiction.

I knew that it was influential, but I didn't quite realize what an impact its visuals had on everything from LOGAN'S RUN's domed metropolis to THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK's Cloud City.
Then, the most curious thing: "the wandering sickness." Wells describes a plague in the latter stages of his Second World War (which stretches into the 1960s), spread by a poison gas dropped from airplanes. Though it seems to be a vague prediction of the radiation sickness from atomic bombs, it immediately reminded me if the zombie film canon: the victims wander a post-apocalyptic landscape in a daze, arms outstretched, and are highly contagious. Infected family members must be killed immediately in order save other survivors; difficult decisions must be made.

I had always heard of I AM LEGEND/THE LAST MAN ON EARTH being the primary influence on NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, so this came to me as a surprise. Even the name, "the wandering sickness," evokes latter-day zombie fiction like THE WALKING DEAD. So: H.G. Wells predicted (often in roundabout ways) devastating aerial bombing, the Second World War, genetic engineering, automatic sliding doors, cell phones, flat-screen TVs... and the zombie genre!
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